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Dear friends, we have decided to involve you a little more in our musical initiative. We want to open a new membership to have new members who support us. We remind you that EUROPA RADIO JAZZ is a non-profit association. If you decide to become a member of the radio you will have remarkable advantages, such as obtaining preferential access to our programmers, proposing new ideas for the radio and its related social channels.

You will be able to compile and send us your  very own play list with your favorite tracks in theme with our musical programming, we will take care of the broadcast in our daily or weekly schedule. We have  created  stickers with our radio logo .. thinking that this could be a way in involving you a little more in this musical adventure. The membership fee to have all this has a cost that we have set at 39 dollars a year. The money received will offset the expenses we incur every day.

Apply for your membership today by going to the web page that we have created especially,, you will find all the necessary instructions for your  membership fee payment. All this can be done through  PayPal. Then, write to us on confirming your registration and you will receive all the information and benefits of those who, like you, become part of the great EUROPA RADIO JAZZ family today.

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